Exchange For Free team has programmed a script that checks all subscribers’ websites daily to automatically disable ads if the subscriber removed Ads exchange code and other subscribers ads not displayed on his website.
After hard looking for a fair way of exchanging ads between subscribers, we have found and activated that rule which is looking fair enough that the more your website brings clicks (not just appearance) to the rest subscribers the more your ad appeared in their websites and brought your ad more clicks in return.
The subscriber who place the ads exchange code in a not good place is a losers because his exchange rate remain weak and his ads not appear prominently in the rest of the subscriber’s websites.
We have developed a fake click’s detector which is disabling ads automatically belongs to subscribers trying to bring fake clicks by any way or clicking on other subscribers ads on their websites to increase their exchange rate.
Easy registration and managing ads contents.
Free of harmful sites and pop-up pages for securely exchanging ads.
Clearly, you can review all subscriber’s ads and sites to know witch kind of ads will appear in your site and where your ads will appear.
IP filtering system, which ensures avoiding fake clicks for real ads exchanging.
Automatic activating and deactivate ads by daily check system for easy ads exchanging.
Exchange rate system guarantees the rights for every subscriber by clicks earned and percentage of displaying his ads for fare ads exchanging.
Light and responsive code, Compatible with all browsers and mobile devices.
We are supporting Text, 728X90 and 300X250 Ads types and sizes.
You can visit these sites which contains and showing your Ads and Ads of all Exchange For Free subscribers, also you can report that site link not including or hiding Exchange For Free Ads by clicking the Report icon next each site link.
Feel free to add your AD on our site free of charge and we guarantee you daily thousands of clicks on your AD.
Exchange For Free 2025